Thuper Thursday

This is new, so be patient while I work out the kinks. From now on here at Wild @ Heart I will be hosting Thuper Thursday. Each Thursday will be dedicated to giving a shout out to a fabulous blogger, writer, reader, artist, or friend. I know you probably wont care how I met so-and-so, but I would like to share what makes them so thuper! That person will receive a shiny gold star to put anywhere on the nets, I would show you but I haven't designed it yet...

Yeah, I just made this up today. I thought it was cute, since this is the way my daughter says super and I really needed something to dedicate my Thursdays to.

That's it. Now I need to go write down a list of stars and why they are so fabulous for future posts. Stars names will then be drawn from a hat, so it will be completely random as to who it will be. Don't worry, I will attempt to contact my star of the week for permission to star them on my page before I post anything about them and to award them their button. Maybe we could even get a few Q&A from our star. This is going to be such fun!

Check back next week to see who will be my first star of the week.


Update: The I'm Thuper badge:


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