Finally meeting

Nanowrimo was a failure for me. With the pressures of life, I just wasn't able to make the word count I needed to succeed, but the challenge did reward me with a few things, a new friend, and she introduced me to my TPR friends. We would chat online everyday for a few months, though we live only minutes away. Yesterday, I had the pleasure of meeting her face to face. It was so exciting to finally meet someone so much like myself.

While we monitored our kids in a little coffee shop downtown, we sipped our coffee, and got to know each other (Occasionally having to stop midsentence for a few stern words to a child). We talked for an hour without pause, or awkward silence of the newly acquainted. It was great! I'm so happy to have made a new friend here in Abilene where I have only a few. Not only that, but my first writer friend!

As for writing, I am back on track. I have nearly finished chapter 24. It needed some major reworking that I really had to brainstorm in order to revise it to work better with the story and not confuse my readers. I'm happy to be back to work on it, and can't wait to have it finished so I can share the full first draft with all my betas out there. Thankfully, I have a lot of people supporting this adventure!

I have a dozen designs to do today before the next TPR session. It's been a busy day, though I'm still in jammies. It's nice working at home!




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