This could be the one!
We have been house hunting for a few weeks now. Although the market is on the way back up, and we looked at several houses, there were only two that we really considered as possibilities. Yesterday, after visiting some other houses, we went back to those two and got a fresh look at them.
One was a flip house. Meaning the owner bought it, made it purdy, and is now trying to make a profit from it. The downside to a flip house is that most of the work was cosmetic and the things that really needed fixing went without. Like the ancient AC unit, the hole in the window, and so on...
The second house seemed to call to us. We wanted to buy it up the first time we visited, but restrained ourselves enough to think about it rationally. After looking at everything else on the market, we came back to this one. It still called to us. When we entered the front door, it felt like home. The insulation in the home is so wonderful that even though the setting is set low since no one lives there, the house was cozy warm. The master bedroom is large and homey with a walk in closet and a bathroom with a shower. The living room has a lovely fireplace and is large and open enough for our massive couch, and the other two rooms are clean and spacious for two toddlers to play in. The kitchen is great! It even has locks on the cabinets so I can lock my hubby out of the candy stash. The most amazing part of this house is the office that is just off of the living room and leads to the patio outside. It has windows all around it letting in tons of natural light with a wonderful view of the backyard. The perfect office for me to design and write in. There is also room enough to put up a cutting table later on.
So it's safe to say, I think we have found our new home. Let's see if everything goes well for us this week as we put in our bid! Fingers crossed!
One was a flip house. Meaning the owner bought it, made it purdy, and is now trying to make a profit from it. The downside to a flip house is that most of the work was cosmetic and the things that really needed fixing went without. Like the ancient AC unit, the hole in the window, and so on...

So it's safe to say, I think we have found our new home. Let's see if everything goes well for us this week as we put in our bid! Fingers crossed!
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