
The Hubz
Have I told you about my Hubz? Probably not. I don’t write much about him on my blog because I don’t want to embarrass him, but I should. I should embarrass the hell out of him. Not because I want him to suffer, but because I want everyone to know just how freakin awesome he is! So I think I will. Today I want to gush about my wonderful, handsome, loving hubby, who lets me be me, even when I’ve lost sight of who I am.

Until this weekend, I don’t think I ever truly understood what drew my hubby to me. I didn’t understand that he loved my creativity. I had always seen it as a burden to him, a waste of time. I felt a failure. My kids were always screaming, the house was always a mess, I had let my art slide, and my book was never ending. Then the Hubz stepped in. You have not failed, he told me. We have two incredibly smart children because of you, we have a beautiful house because of you!

Yeah, ok, but I still suck as an artist.

That’s when he told me. It was the artist he fell in love with. Not the housewife/mother, though he loved those too. It was the day dreamer. He said it amazed him how I could turn a blank page into a picture, or pull a story from a dream.

He has faith in me, and wants me to be me. He allows me to be me by letting me stay at home with the kids so that I can paint, so that I can write.

I started sketching this weekend while I was thinking about him. I started to draw two tribal wolves, tail to tail. I explained it to my Hubz that though he and I go round and round, one thing is always for certain, He has my tail and I have his. He loved the idea so much that he said when I finished it he wanted to get it as a tattoo.

In case you don’t know Hubz, I love you. More than I can put in words, more than I can put into a picture.

Thank you for loving me for me, and for giving me the gift to dream everyday!
For you, I will continue my art, and for you, I will finish this book! Because you have so much faith in me, I can have faith in myself.



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