Hopeful Zombie Gal

Yesterday was my first appointment with my new on base doctor. I was so nervous. My last doctor had shut me out as soon as I started
explaining my symptoms, and I may as well have been talking to a brick wall.
The way he looked at me made me feel like he thought I was crazy. Maybe I am,
but that doesn't mean that what I’m feeling isn't real! The pain I wake up to
and go to bed with is very real, as is the fatigue that makes me feel as if I haven’t
slept in a month.
I can’t focus on my writing, it comes out as slop, and I’m embarrassed
my critique partners have to put up with both my writing and my crummy
critiques lately. I’m so thankful they understand what a tough time I’m having.

We have to rule out the chances that this is something else
before she will put me on Lyrica, a depression medicine known to ease Fibro
symptoms. So it’s off to the lab for me to get my blood drawn (Ick! I hate
needles!). I also get to go to a sleep study. Now this test I’m actually
excited about. I get to go to a lab and sleep! No kids waking up with
nightmares, no hubby snoring in my ear, and no dogs curled up next to me… Okay,
I’ll miss the dogs. They make wonderful heaters.
Until all of my tests are in, and Doc gets me set up with
whatever treatment she thinks will work best for me, I will have to continue on
as I have, struggling to find my words, chugging pots of coffee, and doping up
on Benadryl just to get to sleep at night, but now I have the hope that I will
soon have a bit of relief. Hope is such a wonderful feeling.
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