November: time writers disappear

I love October. It's filled with ghost and ghouls and monsters of all types. All the spooky movies and shows are played nearly all day, every day. But what I love most about October, is the month that follows it.

Blessed November! The time when about 90% of the writing community disappear into their writing caves to pound out words. Some are doing Nanonwrimo, a 50,000 word novel in a month, and some are just using the writing vibes and comradery of the Nano'ers to finish a WIP. What ever the reasons, November is a month for writing.

So this blog post is for my family and friends.

Don't expect to see me much this month. In fact, lower your expectations for me for the month of November. I hope to use the month of November to finish WF. To get all notes from critiques covered, to get all rewrites finished, and to get this book out to betas. I hope to get started on book two. I hope to take all that I have learned in the writing of book one to flourish with book two. I hope to send my books out into the world, where I can share my story with everyone.

I love you all, but November is the one month of the year where I have to be just a little bit selfish, and take some time for myself and my writing.

I'll see you at the end of the tunnel on December 1st

All my love.


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